ASMACS endeavors to create a culture of safety, good health, and a pleasant work environment. The initiative saw a new light with the implementation of Change to create awareness for Safety, Healthcare and Workplace Environment. The activity has garnered enough strength to make safety and healthcare a priority in the workplace and has improved occupational safety and healthcare significantly.
ASMACS Team has established trusts such as Braj GauriTtrust and Dev Loka Educational Trust for healthcare and safety management objectives and processes for improving operational discipline and evolving inherent safety measures for healthcare operation.
ASMACS prioritize to the responsibility of the training institute to work for the betterment of the society and people beyond their rural areas.
ASMACS has been catering its Corporate Social Responsibility in Healthcare activities dedicated to the people such as blood donation drive, cancer treatment, eye check-ups, mobile health camp, health camp, healthcare operations, and safety operations.

Yoga training programs are being conducted to create awareness about the physical and mental health.
Some Initiatives on the healthcare front by ASMACS include,
Taking care of cancer patients at Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai.
Conducting Yoga training program in our skill development training centers in various states of India and yoga practices for cancer patients.
Volunteers are providing moral and psychological support to poor and needy patients.
Various Social Service Programs such as Cancer Detection Camps, Bone Density Camps, Blood Donation Drives, Mobile Health Camps, and free Eye Checkup Camps are organized with other Health Awareness Camps by Braj Gauri.
Various Social Service Programs such as Cancer Detection Camps, Bone Density Camps, Blood Donation Drives, Mobile Health Camps, and free Eye Checkup Camps are organized with other Health Awareness Camps by Braj Gauri.
Braj Gauri Trust volunteers arrange Blood and Blood Platelets to the poor and needy cancer patients at the time of emergency.
During the Pandemic spread, ASMACS through the Braj Gauri Trust was involved in distributing food and necessities to various people throughout India. In a short time a lot of resources were mobilized for helping the needy.
Some other Health related activities like Blood Donation Camps, Cancer Checkpups and Yoga camps have been conducted at various places across India.